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- Texas Association of School Librarians WEBINAR, October 2016
- Texas Library Association 2016
- GUEST BLOG: Consider the Source: In Search of Stellar Nonfiction
- New Jersey Assn. of School Librarians, October 2014
- Texas Library Association, April 2014
- Bishop Byrne Chapter (Houston), Catholic Library Association
- AASL Fall Forum: Transliteracy
- Texas Library Association, April 2012
- ISASW Conference, February 2012
- Re-Ed: The Next Chapter Sept. 2011
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Library leadership and advocacy require constant assessment of current facilities, services, programs, curricula and staffing patterns to be sure a library is offering the best of everything to further student success. At the same time, libraries are frequently short staffed and the level of awareness that goes beyond the day-to-day management gets lost in trying to make each day work well for students and teachers. When the time comes to re-examine the overall program and facilities, the policies and documentation, job descriptions and collection currency, it may be time to hire a consultant to support a comprehensive review.
"The New School Library: The Human Connection to Digital Resources and Academic Success" by Elisabeth Abarbanel (Brentwood School, CA), Sarah Davis (Viewpoint School, CA), Dorcas Hand (AOS, TX), Matthew Wittmer (Buckley School, CA) in Independent School Magazine, May, 2013. |